This page was generated from doc/installation.jupyter. Interactive online version: Binder badge.


Since jupyter_format is in an experimental state, it is deliberately not available on PyPI.

But if you want to play around with it, you can get it from Github and make an “editable” installation with

git clone
cd jupyter-format
python3 -m pip install -e .

Depending on your Python installation, you may have to use python instead of python3.

If you don’t need a local Git checkout, you can also directly install it with

python3 -m pip install git+

JupyterLab and Classic Notebook Integration§

If you want to be able to load and save Jupyter notebooks in the new format, you can specify a custom “contents manager” in your configuration.

You can find your configuration directory with

python3 -m jupyter --config-dir

If you don’t yet have a configuration file there, you can generate it with JupyterLab:

python3 -m jupyterlab --generate-config

If you still use the Classic Notebook, generate the file with

python3 -m notebook --generate-config

To enable the custom “contents manager”, simply open the file jupyter_notebook_config.pyand add this line:

c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = 'jupyter_format.contents_manager.FileContentsManager'

At the time of writing this, JupyterLab is not yet able to open *.jupyter files by double-clicking. You have to right-click and use “Open With” \(\to\) “Notebook”. See also and

Usage on Binder§

If you want to use the new format on (which is great!), just create a configuration file in your repository using the path


… and put the above-mentioned line in it.