Source code for jupyter_format.replace_all

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Script to recursively replace ``.ipynb`` with ``.jupyter`` files.


    python3 -m jupyter_format.replace_all --recursive --yes

WARNING: This deletes all original files!

Usage to apply this to the whole history of a Git branch::

    git filter-branch --tree-filter "python3 -m jupyter_format.replace_all --recursive --yes"

from pathlib import Path
import sys

from jupyter_format.exporters import JupyterExporter
from nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter

[docs] def ipynb_to_jupyter(path): """Replace given ``.ipynb`` file with a ``.jupyter`` file. WARNING: This deletes the original file! :param path: Path to ``.ipynb`` file. :type path: os.PathLike or str """ path = Path(path) exporter = JupyterExporter() nb, resources = exporter.from_filename(str(path)) writer = FilesWriter() writer.write(nb, resources, notebook_name=path.with_suffix('').name) path.unlink()
[docs] def replace_all_recursive(start_dir, mapfunction=map): """Replace all ``.ipynb`` files recursively. WARNING: This deletes all original files! :param path: Starting directory. :type path: os.PathLike or str :param mapfunction: :func:`map`-like function that can be provided in order to enable parallelization. """ notebooks = Path(start_dir).rglob('*.ipynb') for _ in mapfunction(ipynb_to_jupyter, notebooks): # NB: A lazy mapfunction must be consumed to produce its side effects pass
if __name__ == '__main__': if set(sys.argv[1:]) != {'--recursive', '--yes'}: sys.exit('This replaces all *.ipynb files recursively! ' 'Use --recursive --yes to consent.') from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: replace_all_recursive('.',